Owner of the www.greenstic.hu website and online store :

Company name: Greenstic Kft.

Headquarters: 2836 Baj, Tóvárosi út 1/A

Tax number: 26797447-2-11

Community tax number: HU26797447

Company registration number: 11-09-027460

The company is registered in the register of the Company Court of the Tatabánya Court

Address: 8000 Tatabánya , Komáromi u. 4.

Electronic contact: info@greenstic.hu

Telephone contact: +36 70 344 21 11

Company manager: Márk Csonka

Online store domain: https://www.greenstic.hu

Data of hosting provider:

  • Company name: Magyar Hosting Kft.
  • Headquarters: 1132 Budapest, Victor Hugo utca 18-22.
  • Tax number: 23495919-2-41
  • Company registration number: 01-09-968314



The current copyright applies to the information and works displayed on these pages by the operator, Greenstic Kft. The author or the written consent of the creator is required!

Printing or copying of product descriptions is permitted for private and non-commercial use only.

If you notice a copyright infringement, please let us know.