Data of the website operator (hereinafter referred to as the Seller):

Company name: Greenstic Kft.
Headquarters: 2836 Baj, Tóvárosi út 1/A.
Tax number: 26797447-2-11
Company registration number: 11-09-027460
Representative: Managing Director Ádám Farkas
Phone number: +36 70 344 21 11
E-mail address:
The address of the Seller's website is

    Definitions of more important terms:

    • Warranty: according to the Civil Code:
    • a.) the guarantee undertaken for the performance of the contract, which the company undertakes voluntarily in addition to or in the absence of its legal obligation for the proper performance of the contract, and
    • b.) the mandatory warranty based on legislation.
    • Absentee contract: a consumer contract that is concluded within the framework of a distance selling system organized to provide the product or service according to the contract without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties, in such a way that, in order to conclude the contract, the contracting parties only use a device that enables communication between absent parties.
    • Product: all movable movable things that can be taken into possession and which are included in the offer of the website, put on the market on the website and intended for sale, and which are the subject of the contract.
    • Consumer: a natural person acting for purposes outside of his independent occupation and economic activity.
    • Availability of the General Terms and Conditions:
    • The Seller publishes its current General Terms and Conditions on its website.
    • Content of the General Terms and Conditions:

    These General Terms and Conditions contain the rights and obligations of the Buyer using the electronic commercial services provided by the Seller, as well as the terms of the agreement between the contracting parties. The General Terms and Conditions apply when ordering on the website These conditions are in accordance with CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commercial services and services related to the information society. Act § 5. 45/2014 on the detailed rules of contracts between the consumer and the company. (II. 26.) They contain information and regulations in accordance with the provisions of the Government Decree.

    These General Terms and Conditions cover all purchases and services that the Buyer initiates by ordering from the Seller's online store. During the purchase, if the Buyer wishes to use the services of the online store, he is obliged to accept the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, which he can do by selecting the check box on the form. In case of acceptance of the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions, these General

    A contract is established between the Seller and the Buyer according to the Terms and Conditions.

    Scope of the General Terms and Conditions:

    These General Terms and Conditions 01.10.2020. enters into force on the date of publication of the General Terms and Conditions on the website. The provisions of the General Terms and Conditions apply to all Buyers from the date of entry into force

    and are valid for purchase. Before sending the order, the Buyer declares that he is familiar with the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions in force at all times, that he has read and understood, acknowledged and explicitly accepts the provisions contained therein. By sending the order, the Buyer acknowledges that the General Terms and Conditions in force at all times form an inseparable part of the contract between the parties.

    The Seller reserves the right to amend the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions. In the event of a change, the General Terms and Conditions in force at the time the order is sent will be applied.

    The course of the purchase, the conclusion of the contract:

    Minimum order amount: HUF 15,000+VAT

    The contract is created electronically, when the Buyer orders the product, sends his order, and the Seller confirms it (specifically accepts the Buyer's offer) to the e-mail address provided by the Buyer, in compliance with the data protection provisions. The Seller has the right to withdraw from the contract even after returning the certificate, due to reasons that cannot be expected from him (e.g.: the product is no longer distributed, a significant shortage of goods, force majeure, etc.). In case of cancellation, the Seller is obliged to account with the Buyer, if money or goods have been moved.

    The products distributed by the Seller are presented on the website

    There is a detailed description of the products for each product type. Decorative elements that may be visible in the photos are not part of the product, unless it is highlighted in the product description. The Seller assumes no responsibility for possible misspellings or incorrect data. The Customer selects the product he wishes to order, then places the product in the basket. The products are collected in the "Basket", the Buyers can see the price and quantity of the products they want to order. After that, the delivery method is selected. Using the "Proceed to checkout" tab, the Buyer's personal data (surname, first name, company name, home address, possible delivery address if different from the home address, e-mail address, phone number) is entered in the next window. Even in this case, the Buyer has the option to select and modify the delivery method. After that, the payment method is selected. After entering the data, the order will be sent. The information provided on the website does not constitute an offer to conclude a contract on the part of the Seller. In the case of orders subject to these General Terms and Conditions, the Buyer is considered to be the offeror, and the contract is established by the Seller's acceptance of the offer made by the Buyer through the website in accordance with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions. By pressing the "Send order" button, the Buyer expressly acknowledges that his offer must be considered as made, and that his statement - if confirmed by the Seller in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions - entails a payment obligation. The receipt of the order by the Seller is confirmed in the form of an automatic reply message. By placing an electronic order on the website and sending the automatic confirmation, the contract is established between the Buyer and the Seller, thereby the Seller declares that it accepts the Buyer's order. If the Buyer sends an order on the website of the online store, and the Seller confirms the order by e-mail (specifically accepts the Buyer's offer), a sales contract is created between the Buyer and the Seller. The Customer accepts that the contract concluded in this way is considered concluded in writing and is governed by Hungarian law. The provisions of these General Terms and Conditions apply to the contract. The contract is created in Hungarian, the online store automatically stores it in electronic form, the contract is not registered in any other way.

    Sale price:

    The prices shown in the online store are valid consumer prices, the currency of which is Hungarian Forint and include VAT, i.e. General Sales Tax. The delivery fee depends on the type of delivery available to the Buyer. The delivery fee is not included in the selling price of the product. In all cases, the shipping costs are borne by the Buyer. After the confirmation sent by the Seller, the total amount payable for the order will not change. However, it may happen that due to some technical error or typo, an incorrect price is displayed on the website that is significantly different from the market price. In such a case, the Seller will contact the Buyer by phone (or e-mail) for consultation before sending the ordered product. Such orders are not considered valid by the Seller, and the Seller is not responsible for any resulting damages. The seller makes every effort to accurately display the prices of the products on his website. If, despite all care, an incorrect price has been displayed in the online store, the Seller cannot be obliged to sell the product at the incorrect price.

    Payment Terms:

    In the online store operated by the Seller, it is possible by bank transfer and cash on delivery.

    Payment by bank transfer: in this case, the Buyer transfers the consideration for the product to the Seller's bank account. After the amount is received in the Seller's bank account, the Seller arranges for the shipment of the product.

    Payment by cash on delivery: The compensation for the product can be settled by cash on delivery, so in this case the Buyer is obliged to pay the total amount of his order to the courier in cash or by credit card.

    Fulfilling its legal obligations, the Seller draws the Buyer's attention to the fact that making a contractual statement (ordering a product) entails a payment obligation to be fulfilled in favor of the Seller.

    Conditions of Carriage:

    The products ordered in the online store operated by the Seller will be delivered to the Buyer within the territory of Hungary by its own delivery or by GLS General Logistics Systems Hungary Csomag – Logisztikai Kft.

    In addition, it is also possible to pick up the products in person at a pre-arranged time, at the Seller's premises: 2836 Baj, Tóvárosi út 1/A

    In the case of personal collection, the product will only be handed over to the Buyer if he has settled the consideration.

    In the case of home delivery, the courier will deliver the package to the address specified by the Customer. The Seller hereby also asks its Buyers to choose this delivery method only if there is someone to receive the shipment at the specified delivery address during working hours, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. After the courier delivers the product to the Buyer, the Buyer is obliged to make sure that the product is intact, because warranty claims for breakage, tearing, defects, scratches or other physical damage cannot be asserted subsequently. If the product arrives damaged, the courier service employee will record it in a report, the Seller will only accept the complaint in this form.

    In all cases, the shipping cost is borne by the Buyer, who is responsible for paying the shipping fee.

    Completion time:

    The date of fulfillment is the sending of the ordered product to the Buyer. The ordered product will be shipped by the Seller within 1-5 working days. In case of high demand, the delivery of the ordered product may take longer.

    Information about the products distributed by the Seller and

    The seller assumes no responsibility for diseases or health problems resulting from improper use of the products it sells.

    Data protection:

    The data manager handles personal data exclusively in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and in strict compliance with the provisions of the data management and data protection provisions, taking into account the principles of legality, fair procedure and transparency, purposefulness, data economy, accuracy, and limited storage capacity.

    The data controller takes all technical and organizational measures to keep the personal data of its partners and customers safe, in accordance with the European Parliament and the Council (EU) 2016/679. handle it in the manner prescribed by its regulation.

    The Data Management Information on the management of personal data is also available on the Seller's website and headquarters.

    Right of withdrawal:

    In the case of contracts concluded outside the business premises and between absentees, the Customer has the right of withdrawal without reason within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the product.

    belongs to you. This right of the Buyer can be exercised by making a clear statement to this effect, or by Article 45/2014. (II. 26.) You can use the withdrawal/termination declaration form in Annex No. 2 of Government Decree:

    Sample declaration for withdrawal

    To: Greenstic Kft

    Address: 2836 Baj, Tóvárosi út 1/A

    The undersigned ……………………. I/we declare that I/we practice
    my/our right of withdrawal/termination of the sale of the following product/s or the following
    with regard to a contract for the provision of services:
    Date of conclusion of contract / date of acceptance:
    Name of the consumer(s):
    Address of the consumer(s):
    Please transfer the purchase price to the following bank account number (fill in if
    would like us to repay the purchase price by bank transfer):
    Signature of the consumer(s): (only in the case of a statement made on paper)

    The Buyer can send the declaration to the Seller by e-mail ( or in the form of a letter addressed to its registered office (Greenstic Kft 2836 Baj, Tóvárosi út 1/A). The deadline written above is deemed to have been fulfilled if the Buyer communicates his intention to cancel no later than the 14th day after receiving the product. Evidence related to this

    burden is borne by the Buyer. If the Buyer withdraws from the contract in this way, the Seller shall immediately, but no later than within 14 calendar days from learning of the withdrawal, refund the entire amount paid by the Buyer as compensation, including the costs incurred in connection with the performance. The Seller returns to the Buyer

    refunds the amount in the same way as the payment method used by the Buyer. Based on the Buyer's express consent, the Seller may use another payment method for the refund, but the Buyer will not be charged any additional fees as a result.

    If the Buyer specifically requested a different delivery method instead of the least expensive delivery method, the Seller is not obliged to reimburse the resulting additional costs.

    The Seller is entitled to withhold the consideration for the product and the costs incurred during the purchase until the Buyer has returned the product or has provided creditable proof that he has returned it, whichever is the earlier date. The Purchaser must return the purchased product to the Seller in an undamaged and complete condition without undue delay, but no later than within 14 calendar days from the notification of the intention to cancel. The deadline is considered met if you send the product before the 14-day deadline. The direct cost of returning the product is borne by the Buyer. The Seller is not obliged to accept the product returned by cash on delivery or by postage, as the shipping costs related to the return are borne by the Buyer.

    The Buyer can only be held responsible for damage to the product

    for depreciation, if it occurred due to use exceeding the use necessary to determine the nature, properties and operation of the product.

    The Buyer is not entitled to the above right of withdrawal:

    • in the case of a perishable product or a product that retains its quality for a short time,
    • and with regard to closed packaging products that cannot be returned after opening after delivery for health protection or hygiene reasons,
    • in respect of a product which, by its nature, after delivery
    • it is inseparably mixed with other products.

    Warranty and guarantee:

    The Seller undertakes the statutory warranty for the products it distributes in the event of a product defect.

    The product is defective if, at the time of delivery, it does not meet the quality requirements established in the contract or in legislation. The Seller does not perform incorrectly if the Buyer was aware of the error at the time of the conclusion of the contract, or should have known of the error at the time of the conclusion of the contract.

    In the event of a possible defect in the purchased product, the Buyer may assert a claim for accessories or product warranty, or in certain cases a claim for warranty. 19/2014 for the procedure. (IV. 29.) The provisions of the NGM decree are governing.

    Accessory warranty:

    In what cases can the Buyer exercise his accessory warranty right?

    In the event of defective performance by the Seller, the Buyer may enforce a warranty claim against the Seller in accordance with the rules of the Civil Code.

    What rights does the Buyer have based on his warranty claim?

    The Buyer may - according to his choice - make use of the following accessory warranty claims: He may request repair or replacement, unless the fulfillment of the demand chosen by the Buyer is impossible or would involve disproportionate additional costs for the Seller compared to the fulfillment of another demand.

    If the Buyer did not, or could not, request the repair or replacement, he may request a proportional delivery of the compensation, or the Buyer may repair the defect at the Seller's expense, or have it repaired by someone else, or - as a last resort - withdraw from the contract.

    The Buyer may transfer from his selected accessory warranty right to another, but the Buyer shall bear the cost of the transfer, unless it was justified or the Seller gave a reason for it.

    What is the time limit for the Buyer to assert his accessory warranty claim?

    The Buyer is obliged to report the defect immediately after its discovery, but no later than within two months from the discovery of the defect. At the same time, the Buyer may no longer assert his accessory warranty rights beyond the two-year statute of limitations from the date of execution of the contract. In the case of a used item, this deadline is 1 year.

    Against whom can the Buyer assert his accessory warranty claim?

    The Buyer can enforce its accessories warranty claim against the Seller.

    What other conditions are there for asserting the Buyer's accessory warranty rights?

    Within 6 months from the date of completion, the Customer's accessory warranty claim

    there are no other conditions for its validation beyond the notification of the error, if the Buyer proves that the product or service was provided by the Seller. However, after six months from the date of delivery, the Buyer is obliged to prove that the defect recognized by the Buyer has already

    it also existed at the time of performance.

    Product warranty:

    In what cases can the Buyer exercise his product warranty right?

    In the event of a defect in a movable object (product), the Buyer may exercise his accessory warranty right or product warranty claim, as he chooses.

    What rights does the Buyer have based on his product warranty claim?

    As a product warranty claim, the Buyer may only request the repair or replacement of the defective product.

    In which case is the product considered defective?

    The product is defective if it does not meet the quality requirements in force at the time it is placed on the market or if it does not have the properties described by the manufacturer.

    What is the time limit for the Buyer to assert his product warranty claim?

    The Customer may assert his product warranty claim within two years from the date of the product's release by the manufacturer. After this deadline, you will lose this right.

    Against whom and under what other conditions can the Buyer enforce his product warranty claim?

    The Buyer may exercise his product warranty claim only against the manufacturer or distributor of the movable object. The Buyer must prove the defect of the product in the event of a product warranty claim.

    In what cases is the manufacturer (distributor) exempt from product warranty obligations?

    The manufacturer (distributor) is only released from its product warranty obligation if it can prove that:

    • the product was not manufactured or marketed as part of its business activities,
    • or the error according to the state of science and technology at the time of placing on the market
    • you were unrecognizable
    • the defect of the product results from the application of legislation or mandatory official regulations.
    • It is sufficient for the manufacturer (distributor) to prove one reason for exemption. Due to the same defect, the Buyer cannot assert a claim for accessory warranty and product warranty at the same time, in parallel with each other. However, in the case of successful enforcement of a product warranty claim, the Buyer may assert his accessory warranty claim for the replaced product or repaired part against the manufacturer.
    • Warranty
    • The Seller undertakes the statutory mandatory warranty for the products it distributes.
    • Warranty obligations for certain consumer durables are also stipulated by law
    • live.
    • In the case of a warranty, the Buyer does not have to prove that the product is faultless
    • in its failure. The Seller is exempt from the warranty obligation only if he proves that
    • that the cause of the error arose after the purchase: the Buyer used the product abnormally,
    • or deteriorated as a result of some external influence. Failure under warranty
    • its time must be taken into account, not when it became recognizable.
    • In what cases can the Buyer exercise his warranty rights?
    • In case of faulty performance, if the Seller for the given product type
    • undertook a separate, individual guarantee, or 151/2003. (IX. 22.) It is established by a government decree
    • a mandatory 1-year warranty period for a given product type.
    • What rights and within what time limit is the Buyer entitled to based on the warranty?
    • The warranty claim can be asserted within the warranty period. If the Seller's obligation to
    • You do not comply with the customer's call - within the appropriate time limit - the warranty claim is in the call
    • can be enforced in court within 3 months from the expiry of the set deadline even if
    • the warranty period has already expired. Failure to meet this deadline will result in loss of rights. The warranty claim
    • to enforce, among other things, the rules for the exercise of accessory warranty rights
    • must be applied properly.
    • When is the Seller released from its warranty obligation?
    • The Seller is exempt from warranty obligations only if he proves that a
    • the cause of the error occurred after completion. Accessories warranty and warranty due to the same fault
    • claim, or product warranty and warranty claims at the same time, in parallel with each other
    • cannot be enforced, otherwise, the Customer is entitled to the rights arising from the warranty in the 17th and 18th
    • regardless of the rights defined in point
    • How to report a warranty or guarantee claim:
    • If the Buyer is under warranty in relation to the product distributed by the Seller
    • wishes to assert his warranty right, he can do so by presenting a receipt (invoice) (or a copy thereof) confirming the conclusion of the contract. Claims can be asserted
    • both in person and in writing (by post or electronic mail).


    The Seller undertakes the statutory mandatory warranty for the products it distributes.

    Warranty obligations for certain consumer durables are also required by law. In the case of the warranty, the Buyer does not have to prove that he is not at fault for the product's failure. The Seller is exempt from the warranty obligation only if he proves that the cause of the defect arose after the purchase: the Buyer used the product abnormally,

    or deteriorated as a result of some external influence. In the case of a warranty, the time of the failure must be taken into account, not when it became recognizable.

    In what cases can the Buyer exercise his warranty rights?

    In the event of faulty performance, if the Seller has undertaken a separate individual warranty for the given product type, or in accordance with Art. 151/2003. (IX. 22.) A government decree establishes a mandatory 1-year warranty period for the given product type.

    What rights and within what time limit is the Buyer entitled to based on the warranty?

    The warranty claim can be asserted within the warranty period. If the Seller fails to comply with the Buyer's obligation within a reasonable period of time, the warranty claim may be asserted in court within 3 months of the expiration of the deadline set in the notice, even if the warranty period has already expired. Failure to meet this deadline will result in loss of rights. In order to validate the warranty claim, the rules for the exercise of accessory warranty rights must also be properly applied.

    When is the Seller released from its warranty obligation?

    The Seller is exempted from the warranty obligation only if it proves that the cause of the defect arose after performance. Due to the same defect, a claim for accessory warranty and warranty, or a claim for product warranty and warranty cannot be asserted at the same time, in parallel with each other, otherwise, the Customer is entitled to the rights arising from the warranty regardless of the rights defined in clauses 17 and 18.

    How to report a warranty or guarantee claim:

    If the Buyer wishes to enforce his warranty or guarantee rights in relation to the product distributed by the Seller, he can do so by presenting a receipt (invoice) (or a copy thereof) confirming the conclusion of the contract. Claims can be asserted in person or in writing (by post or electronic mail).

    1. Personal announcement:
    2. The Buyer can report his warranty claim in person at the Seller's headquarters (Greenstic Kft 2836 Baj, Tóvároi út 1/A)
    3. The Seller takes a record of his objection, in which he records:

    the name and address of the Buyer,

    the name of the product, purchase price,

    the date of purchase,

    the date of notification of the error, - the description of the error,

    the claim that the Buyer wants to assert,

    the method of settling the objection.

    If the method of settlement of the objection differs from the Buyer's request, the Seller shall provide a justification for this

    recorded in a protocol. The Seller will hand over a copy of the minutes to the Buyer.

    2. Notification in writing:

    The Buyer may notify the Seller of a warranty or warranty claim by mail (Greenstic Kft 2836 Baj, Tóvároi út 1/A) or by electronic mail (

    The letter must include:

    the name and address of the Buyer,

    the name of the product, purchase price,

    the date of purchase,

    the date of notification of the error,

    description of the error,

    the claim that the Buyer wants to enforce.

    If the Seller does not know about the fulfillment of the Buyer's request at the time of notification

    to make a statement, he must notify the Buyer of his position within 3 working days at the latest.

    The Seller endeavors to carry out the repair or replacement within 15 days at most.

    The Seller will accept the product for repair against a receipt. To be indicated on the receipt

    the Buyer's name, address, the data necessary to identify the product, and the receipt of the product

    time and date of receipt of the repaired product.

    Complaint handling related to the activities of the Seller:

    If the Buyer is not satisfied with the product distributed by the Seller, and

    If you wish to file a complaint with the Seller, you can do so by post (2836 Baj, Tóvárosi út 1/A) or by email (

    The Seller investigates all complaints. The Seller is obliged to investigate the verbal complaint immediately and remedy it as necessary. If the Buyer does not agree with the handling of the complaint, or the immediate investigation of the complaint is not possible, the Seller is obliged to immediately take a record of the complaint and its position on it, and hand over a copy of it to the Buyer on the spot in the case of a verbal complaint made in person.

    In the case of a verbal complaint communicated by telephone or using other electronic communication services, it must be sent to the Buyer at the latest within 30 days - in accordance with the regulations for the response to a written complaint - at the same time as the substantive response.

    If the directly applicable legal act of the European Union does not provide otherwise, the Seller must answer the written complaint in writing within thirty days after its receipt and take measures to communicate it. A shorter deadline than this can be established by law, and a longer deadline by law. The Seller is obliged to justify his position rejecting the complaint. The Seller must assign a unique identification number to a verbal complaint communicated by telephone or using an electronic communication service.

    The record of the complaint must contain the following:

    • name and address of the Buyer,
    • the place, time and method of presenting the complaint,
    • detailed description of the Customer's complaint, documents presented by the Customer,
    • list of documents and other evidence,
    • the Seller's statement regarding the Buyer's complaint,
    • if immediate investigation of the complaint is possible,
    • the person taking the minutes and - by telephone or other electronic communication
    • with the exception of a verbal complaint communicated using the service - the Customer's signature,
    • the place and time of taking the minutes,
    • communicated by telephone or using other electronic communication services
    • in the case of a verbal complaint, the unique identification number of the complaint.

    The Seller is obliged to keep the record of the complaint and a copy of the response for five years and to present it to the inspection authorities upon their request.

    If the complaint is rejected, the Seller is obliged to inform the Buyer in writing about which Authority or Conciliation Board he can initiate the procedure with his complaint - according to its nature. The information must also include the seat of the competent Authority and the Conciliation Board at the Buyer's place of residence or residence, telephone and

    your internet address and mailing address. The information must also cover whether the Seller uses the Conciliation Board procedure in order to settle the consumer dispute.

    Conciliation Board, Consumer Protection:

    The Seller hereby informs the Buyers that if the Buyer does not agree with the Seller's response to his complaint, he may contact the following authorities:

    To initiate a Conciliation Board procedure, the Buyer may contact the Conciliation Board at the Buyer's place of residence or the Conciliation Board at the Seller's registered office.


    The Conciliation Board is an independent body that operates alongside the county chambers of commerce and industry and the Capital Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The purpose of their creation was to try to resolve the disputes between the Buyer and the Seller out of court, primarily to create an agreement between the two parties and thus simply, quickly and effectively help the enforcement of consumer rights.

    The condition for applying to the Conciliation Board is that the Buyer attempts to settle the dispute directly with the Seller. The procedure of the Conciliation Board is free, the Buyer may only be liable for payment if the Board decides against the Buyer. The procedure of the Conciliation Board is initiated at the request of the Buyer. The request must be submitted in writing to the chairman of the Conciliation Board: the written requirement can be fulfilled by letter, telegram, teletypewriter or fax, as well as by any other means that enables the recipient to store the data addressed to him permanently for a period appropriate to the purpose of the data , and displaying the stored data in unchanged form and content.

    The application must include:

    • the name, place of residence or location of the Buyer,
    • the Seller's name, registered office or relevant site,
    • designation of the Board applied for instead of the competent Conciliation Board,
    • a brief description of the Buyer's position, the facts supporting it and their evidence,
    • the Buyer's statement that the Buyer directly attempted to settle the dispute with the Seller,
    • considering the Buyer's statement that no other conciliation board proceedings were initiated in the case, no mediation proceedings were initiated, no claim letter was submitted, and no application for the issuance of a payment order was submitted,
    • the motion for the Board's decision,
    • the Buyer's signature.
    • The document or its copy (extract) whose content the Buyer refers to as evidence must be attached to the request, in particular the Seller's written statement about the rejection of the complaint, or, in the absence of this, other written evidence available to the Buyer about the attempted negotiation. If the Buyer acts through a proxy, the power of attorney must be attached to the request. If the Buyer notices a violation of his consumer rights, he is entitled to file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Authority responsible for his place of residence. After evaluating the complaint, the Authority decides on the conduct of the consumer protection procedure. The first-level official tasks for consumer protection are carried out by the district offices competent according to the consumer's place of residence, a list of them can be found here: The Customer is entitled to enforce his claim arising from a consumer dispute before the court in the framework of a civil procedure in accordance with the Civil Code of 2013. Act V of 2016 and Act CXXX of 2016 on the Code of Civil Procedure. according to the provisions of the law.

    Miscellaneous and final provisions:

    The Customer's ordering from the website assumes that the Customer has technical and legal knowledge of electronic commerce. The Seller assumes no responsibility for errors that can be attributed to IT and telecommunications service providers (such as the Internet service provider) due to a lack of this knowledge, as well as errors in electronic products. The Buyer is responsible for protecting his computer and the data on it. If a binding legal provision or a court decision limits or invalidates any provision of these General Terms and Conditions, this does not affect the validity of the other provisions of the General Terms and Conditions. The Hungarian Civil Code (Amendment V of 2013) and other relevant legal provisions govern matters not regulated in these General Terms and Conditions.

    Relevant legislation:

    In particular, the following legislation applies to the contract between the parties:

    annual CLV. law on consumer protection; Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26) on the detailed rules of contracts between the consumer and the business;

    19/2014. (IV. 29.) NGM decree on the contract between the consumer and the business

    warranty and guarantee claims for things sold under

    on the procedural rules of its administration.

    These General Terms and Conditions enter into force on September 1, 2019, and apply to orders and contracts created after that.